

Agile Droplets in a Waterfall World

Conference hall, ground floor

14th November, 15:30-16:00

We all know that life is not in white and black, nor is Project Management. An experienced Project Manager knows when and how to adapt the project management tools and techniques so that they can help the most, are relevant, and add value to their projects and organizations. This presentation advocates for using Agile practices in waterfall projects, and give examples from real life situations where specific practices were successfully used.

Simona Bonghez

Colors in Projects

Simona Bonghez, PhD, trainer and consultant, owner of Colors in Projects, has over 20 years of experience in delivering training and consulting services in management and project management. Simona thinks that she would not have come this far without a good sense of humor. She really believes that games and metaphors are powerful tools for having interactive and enjoyable experience sharing sessions, thus enforcing the learning process.