

Reactive Applications with Spring 5.0 and Project Reactor

Europa room, 3rd floor

15th November, 15:30-16:00

Spring 5 is just around the corner and everybody's ready to hop onto the hype-train!
With this release, Spring introduces full support for a reactive, non-blocking, programming style based on Project Reactor and during this presentation we'll have a look at some of the cool new features like non-blocking REST services and reactive, non-blocking persistence, running in the new netty-based runtime, as well as micro-service communication using Project Reactor.
To showcase all of these, there will be live coding!

Timo Bejan


I've started coding in high school, building bots for online games, websites and doing some sys-admin work.
I have more than 7 years of working experience across a multiple domains, from simple websites to enterprise applications, DevOps and BigData. I like participating at hackathons and community events, teach others, and generally have fun building software.
Since I love working with cutting edge technologies, a few years back I decided to start a freelancing career and pick the projects I want to work on myself. During this time I've been building end-to-end software solutions for customers across Europe.